The rants and raves of a sassy little redhead from Texas....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who is the Grammar Nazi?

Who’s the Grammar Nazi?

Why it’s me, of course; a sassy little redhead named Courtney from Texas that has a passion for grammar and cooking. Yeah, I know. I’ve got issues but no one can put the fun in dys-FUNc-tion-al like me.

 Who knows what I’m going to blather on about on here? Well, it could be cooking

or it could be grammar,

or it could be the misadventures of my small boy and his naughty greyhounds.

The Gang

Jaxon – Age 8
Likes Star Wars, mud, and outsmarting his mother.

Sizzles – The Alpha Dog

Likes being in charge, guarding the food bowl, and chasing squirrels (unfortunately many of them can’t outrun a greyhound).

Sachi – The Little Brown One

Likes chewing on shoes, chasing the cat, and staring up into the sky while it’s raining. Yeah, she’s sweet but not too bright.

Inky– The Basement Cat

Likes chewing on greyhounds, drinking from the fish bowl, and sleeping on Mom's head at night.

Whatever it is, I’m sure it I’m sure it will be funny (because I don’t do drama or tragedy – life is too short to be miserable) Feel free to comment away and tell me if you like it or not. But if you do, remember your their, they’re, and there so the Grammar Nazi doesn’t have to come get you!

And for the nerds following my blog, I’ll definitely try and keep up with my Star Wars dioramas. Now that I *cough, cough* I mean Jaxon, has more than 4 stormtroopers and an R2D2, it will be easier to come up with some pictures. For those that haven’t seen my side project *cough, cough* I mean, my SON’S side project, sometimes we like to photograph the adventures of his Lego minifigures and what they do when he’s at school.

Because no one can resist roasting marshmallows!


  1. Star Wars dioramas ROCK! Can't wait to see what they do at the beach.

  2. I'm packing a bag and checking it twice!
